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Sitting/Driving Protocol


After sitting for a long period of time, there are certain areas that commonly get tight. Those areas include the hip flexors, outer hips, upper back, and neck. Below are some ways to counteract the negative effects of sitting in order to help prevent musculoskeletal issues.


  1. Proper ergonomic position:

    1. Keep hips and knees bent at 90* or more (an easy way to accomplish this is to make sure the hips are slightly more elevated than the knees).

    2. Keep shoulders in a relaxed position dropping away from the ears - In a car, place hands on the middle or lower part of the steering wheel to help with this. At a computer desk keep keyboard lower than chest level and only a foot away from your body.

    3. Keep head upright and centered over shoulders – If looking from the side, your ear should line up with the middle of your shoulder. You may need to adjust your headrest to accomplish this.

  2. Stretching:

    1. Upper Back, shoulders, and neck stretches
















  1. Hip flexors and outer hips
















  1. Breathing:

    1. Getting enough oxygen is crucial for all functions of the human body, but it also has the benefit of relaxing muscles and decreasing brain stress. A good habit to start is making sure you take at least 6 deep breaths every hour. Either remind yourself or set an alarm that reminds you to focus on taking 6 slow and deep breaths. This can be done while driving/sitting or you can do these while you take a short break. Research shows that productivity and body health both increase when we take a short 10 minutes break once every hour.

    2. To start: Breathe in slowly (about 6 seconds to fill the lungs) and focus on a diaphragmatic breath. This means the stomach will seem to expand as you inhale. Then hold the breath (for about 6 seconds). And finally, let the air out through the nose ( take about 6 seconds to exhale completely). Repeat this process 5-6 times every hour.





*If any of the above activities are difficult or create discomfort discontinue the activity until you have consulted your chiropractic doctor.

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Water Intake/Hydration

The human body is comprised of about 60-70% water. All tissues have water in them, even bone is about 30% water. Staying properly hydrated is key to normal function and feeling good. When we are dehydrated we can experience some negative physical and mental effects such as: poor short-term memory, decreased concentration, decreased alertness, lower energy, muscle soreness and cramping, achy joints, poor circulation, increased inflammation, constipation, light-headedness, and/or headaches. With chronic dehydration we can experience severe organ disfunction that can lead to things like: kidney stones/failure, hair loss, or high cholesterol.


Luckily, staying hydrated is easy! Disruptions in mood, improved internal organ function, weight regulation, improved heart function, hydrated skin, improved muscle tone, thermoregulation, elimination of toxins.

Vibrant Health Chiropractic

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